Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Interview Process

Yesterday I met with an job agency that helps you find THE JOB for a fee.  It was interesting.  I researched them a little before going in and found very limited information.  They are in a high rise, third floor, validated parking.  I entered the office and starting observing.  The reading choices were Wall Street Journal, Forbes, TIME, a Travel book, and Fortune magazines. On the table was a bowl of hard candies and an adjacent table had a number of business cards for the representatives. A list of countries was on the glass wall between the lobby and the empty conference room.  The relevance of countries was blocked by a well groomed plant.  A water feature and Buddha were in the corner.  Nice purple couches and the orchestra version soundtrack of Disney movies played.  The reception desk was a window, that was kept closed.  I was greeted and waited.  The man I met with was kind, funny and complimenting.  I found it interesting that I went right into observation mode.  Are there cameras watching to see if I pick up the Wall Street Journal or the travel book?  Would I be judged on my ability to work if I ate a candy?  So funny, I decided on a cinnamon sucker.

I have two prospects through networking that could be quite valid and both very interesting, fun, in ophthalmology. Both have different perks that would satisfy my personal needs.  I am enjoying my time at home, my sweet son is driving, it only took a week and he got his permit. I truly enjoy being able to be home with him to take care of this stuff we have been putting off.  Hoping for a work from home, part time gig, but after a few weeks of being off beggars cannot be choosers.  Networking, networking, networking:)

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