Thursday, February 16, 2012

Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Has your boss ever rode to work on a broom?  How did you deal with that?  When this happens, I get tense, I become reactive.  It affects me mentally and physically.  I become drained emotionally, I get a head ache that won't go away.  I was always taught to check my attitude at the door when coming to work.  This was hard when I was younger, but as I matured I learned that lesson.  I teach this lesson to my son and I share this with my peers and employees. How do you teach this to your boss?  How do you avoid the emotional and physical stress of this.  One person told me, "don't let it bother you."  I just don't know how not to.  Today is day 4 of 5 and after yesterday I am really ready.

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