Friday, February 24, 2012

The Goal Challenge

Last night I spoke with my old job coach, he's not old, but we've known each other for many years now.  He knows what I can do and is a believer.  He also knows my personality and is good at asking me the questions I avoid asking myself.  I shared with him that I was seriously considering working for myself, consulting.  Since this is what he does, I figured he would be a good person to start with in my interview phase of, "what should I do with my life".  He affirmed that I should be writing my goals, which I started earlier that day and finished this morning.  
     I was supposed to take the week off to relax and all I could do was worry about this or that.  I kept applying for jobs, I couldn't put the computer down.  It's been 80 degrees and beautiful in San Diego...what the heck is wrong with me!!! I started to get a rash, I was short of breath, I was angry for no reason.  I kept thinking about my goals, what I should be doing, what do I want, how am I going to get it, etc.  
     So, today I wrote 5 goals for myself, a physical goal so I can love myself.  I made sure not to put down I would lose 10 pounds and go on a diet or anything crazy, I simply put that I would make time for me to do yoga, mediate, and sweat doing something.  It's only an hour, I could spend an hour in front of the boob tube easy, why not spend it on me.  I created a financial goal to help with my budgeting, a career goal to get this business idea started, a personal goal to volunteer more and a relationship goal to avoid me from continuing the behavior I have had since I was a teenage girl. 
     It's time to grow up, grow a pair, and love myself a little more.  I am back to feeling excited.  If I think of something else that needs to be done, I'll just add it to the list.  Next week is time to really vacation and work on the goals rather than stress about fifty million things that need to happen.  When I am stressed out I am a crazy person. When I am relaxed, I am a pretty cool chick and that's what I'd rather be.

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