Friday, March 2, 2012


In my second interview with the placement agency the very nice gentleman I spoke with asked if he could be frank.  I said, "yes please", and was fairly certain he was going to tell me something I already knew.  He said, " you are a bright, well spoken woman. For someone of your age with no college degree until now, you must have some amazing skills.  However, you lack confidence, not in your presentation, but in yourself."  

Today I plan to write up my life's work...a portfolio. I found a super cool website that will help me organize my stuff and help me market myself.  I think the exercise will also remind me that I'm a pretty cool chick and have worked hard to get where I am in life. I also plan to submit a speech for graduation. These two things should get me up the mountain of accomplishment above the smog and clouds.  

Here's a link on how to put together a portfolio. I found it very helpful, great outline, easy to follow.  It could be for any kind of work.

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