Sunday, March 25, 2012

Social Living

My calendar next week has more friend activities than work. I want to live this way. Feeling a little lost however. I have been searching for part time work and perfecting my focus for freelancing. I love to do so many different things and it is affecting my focus. If only I could be, "Jack, provider of many trades, master juggler" :)  I will keep my head up and my dimples in check.  

I attended my first singles meet up event. It was in downtown San Diego.  The outside of the building reminded me of some pubs in Dublin. The exterior was sunshine yellow with white trim and a cool sign. The Tipsy Crow...There was a main floor bar, upstairs lounge, and basement dance floor. The interior was decorated dark with reds, browns, leather and velvet, very cool venue. I will go back there. I arrived just after the start of mingle time. There was a fairly even mixture of men and women, all over 30 and all professionals. 

I made a quick scan of the room. It was strange to know that each person in the room was single, over 30, and looking to meet people. Typically going out you don't always know what you are in for. This helped with the guess work. There was one obviously aesthetically appealing man (to me anyway) and he turned out to be the least interesting person to talk to...go figure:)  We split up into teams and played some games. Then after a raffle, I won a prize, I was approached by a man who had been eyeing me for a while. He was average height, average looks, not creepy. He asked me what I liked to do. I told him I like to hike..."so, your an outdoorsy gal...I camp, but I have a trailer, and toys, and a boat, and...." All nice, but trying too hard to impress me with mere objects.  Then after that didn't work, he calmed down and told me all about what he did for work and less about his stuff. I found him to be less annoying and more attractive. 

I was no better. When I first got there I was asked after my period of silence, "Wow, you are so talkative."  To which I said, "I'm hung over from last night." Really, did I really just admit that to a group of strangers, haha! Yes, my friends birthday was last night and I had a little too much. Anyone that knows me knows this is not a common experience, but that I cannot have more than two cocktails without feeling sick for 48 hours after. The awkwardness disappeared and the group played games and enjoyed conversations about work, travel, and life. No love connections, but I met some cool people and I will totally do it fact this week I'll be playing volley ball with a group of single strangers. 

Trying not to stress about work.  I am looking for something at least part time so I can keep up this venture. I have some great family and friends that believe in me. Time to go play in the sun and forget my woes for a little.  

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