Monday, March 12, 2012

The Search Continues

The job market is very different than ever before. I used to search the want ads in the newspaper. A phone call to the hiring company, bring in a paper version of your resume and setting up an interview was the process.  Today everything is electronic and networking. Tanner asked about job opportunities at a local supermarket and was told to go on line, fill out the application, print it and then bring it in, that was her tip:). I get emails from various sites I belong to regarding, "how to make your resume stick out", "how to get the interview", etc. I have applied for many and turned down for a few, but that means I have been seen. 

I have some amazing talents, and I know the right fit will become my reality. My mom said, "have faith in yourself!!!"  What a sweet thing to say. We all get down, but we have to have faith in ourselves. Thanks Mom! I will keep my chin up and find the right thing for me. I will rock at whatever I do. In the meantime, I will be supportive of my friends and family that are searching for the right thing. I won't forget my passions!

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