Monday, April 23, 2012

Ever Wonder Why I Didn’t Call You Back?

Leaving messages sounds like an easy task.  Many times people forget to leave important information in their message.  For example, “Hi Chris, I just wanted to follow up with you on the job we talked about a few weeks back.  Call me when you can.”  First of all, who are you? What job? A few weeks ago, really??  What is your number?  Unfortunately this happens.  

Here are some tips on how can you as the caller can leave a message with excellence.

State your name first and last 
Provide your phone number clearly
Why you are calling, get to the point  
Repeat your name and phone number.  DO NOT RUSH!! 
Don’t ramble, allow you message to act as a text with a voice

These tips will help ensure the receiver gets a clear message without frustration.  No matter how impactful your last meeting was, you never know what else is going in their life.  Be clear and allow time for the receiver to write down your information.  If you are leaving a message with a person, follow the above tips and be sure to ask when you can expect a call back.

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