Monday, April 30, 2012

Celebration And Reflection

Last week I wasn't sure if I would have money for my rent.  Neither my son or I had jobs and we were running out of money fast.  I remained calm and kept my what if thinking at bay.  Rather than obsessing in negativity and doubt, I had a clear mind.  I learned to sit back and watch my thought rather than be it.  

This week my son and I both started new jobs!  Not only are we both working now, but we are working for phenomenal companies that appreciate their employees, offer growth, and promote training.  These are key items that I did not have in my last job.  I am in awe at my life and how I have reacted to it over these past several weeks.  I know myself more than ever before.  I feel healthy, content, and happy with my life.  I have met so many wonderful people in this time.  I have spent valuable time with my son, time that has allowed a great growth for his future.  And I am learning how to let my baby bird fly from the nest, my beautiful boy is truly becoming a man.

I don't recommend this to everyone, but I would do it all over again without question.  Woo hoo!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How To Plan Without Stress

Some of you may have seen some of my postings about meditation.  Finally I have made the time to focus on me.  I recently joined a group of people who are learning, meditating, and it has helped me learn how to relax rather the stress.  One of the things I found stressful was planning. Planning is a normal thing that we all do. We plan our trips, our shopping lists, our careers.  These are normal things that are non personal actions. Sometimes when my calendar is full and my actions are all planned out, my mind begins to fill with what ifs and cants. Suddenly my ability to think clearly ceases and I am overwhelmed with thought of doubt.

Last month, I found a group on with a session titled, How To Live With A Peace Of Mind And Without Stress! The session was a couple hours on a Saturday in a beautiful part of San Diego.  I invited a neighbor and went with an open mind.  I became aware that day of something so simple, yet profound.  I met kind people, and I had dialogue with others who had similar experiences.

Who/What Am I with Albert Nahmani teaches being present and aware during our daily activities. Planning is a non personal, non stressful thing.  Our minds can sometimes subtly slide into conversations about what if causing doubt and worry.  Why does this happen, how can I recognize it?  If our mind is conditioned to recognize this action we can become aware of it.  Understanding how to recognize the difference of what is and what if may allow the worry to be lessened because it is just a thought, it is not happening now.

Recognition of this subtle sliding is a technique I plan to practice and master.  I am enjoying free Dialogue/Satsang's  with Albert Nahmani and Who/What Am I.  If you ever want to join me, and visit San Diego, come on over:)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ever Wonder Why I Didn’t Call You Back?

Leaving messages sounds like an easy task.  Many times people forget to leave important information in their message.  For example, “Hi Chris, I just wanted to follow up with you on the job we talked about a few weeks back.  Call me when you can.”  First of all, who are you? What job? A few weeks ago, really??  What is your number?  Unfortunately this happens.  

Here are some tips on how can you as the caller can leave a message with excellence.

State your name first and last 
Provide your phone number clearly
Why you are calling, get to the point  
Repeat your name and phone number.  DO NOT RUSH!! 
Don’t ramble, allow you message to act as a text with a voice

These tips will help ensure the receiver gets a clear message without frustration.  No matter how impactful your last meeting was, you never know what else is going in their life.  Be clear and allow time for the receiver to write down your information.  If you are leaving a message with a person, follow the above tips and be sure to ask when you can expect a call back.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tell me about yourself

The land of self employment is exciting, lots of hard work, but very slow in getting deals signed.  Two proposals later, I am continuing my search for stable employment and working the individual biz on the side.  After weeks of tweaking my resume and cover letters my hard work is paying off.  Interviews are being scheduled and it's time to put my game face on.  I typically do well in the interview.  I am confident and can speak clearly.  After years in management, I have done my fair share of interviewing.  My favorite questions to ask are, "describe a situation with an unsatisfied customer...what was the did you handle it,"  Or, "if you were a car, what kind would best describe you," and my favorite, "tell me something about yourself that would surprise me."

My first interview was last week with Apple.  I applied for an at-home management position.  How fantastic, work from home for a big name and add some sparkle and shine to my resume.  My fingers were fast at work researching the company, setting up my Skype account.  I practiced in the mirror and my dear friend helped me decorate my room so the backdrop of the webcam made it seem like an office.  The day came and went with discontentment. I wasn't prepared for the questions!  I stuttered, I rambled, it was like my brain went on vacation and took my speaking abilities with it.  

I know what I did wrong, I should have asked for clarification.  "How did you manage," was the question.  Well, I listed actions I took, how I performed staff evaluations, one on ones, performance improvements...but were they asking if I was a micro manager, or a working manager.  What did that question really mean.  I've been reading educational posts on how to interview, what to say, how to prepare etc.  For some reason that all went out the window and my intellect froze.

This week I have another interview with a large hospital.  I must prepare for the questions: why did you leave your last job without having another job?  Why should I hire you?  Tell me about yourself?  How will you make a difference?  Learning from my past will help me grow in the future. I will be prepared and rock their socks off.  Something good is going to happen, I believe this, I know this.