Monday, May 21, 2012

Wizard of Oz - The Getting Is The Giving

Over the past several years I have encountered things that remind me of the Wizard of Oz.  A book I had read at a past employer referenced the work environment to be similar to the characters and story in the movie. "If I only had,"...but you've had it all along.  Very nice thought and something I have found to be true with some searching.  

I have kept this story in my mind for many years and have found it to be relevant to so many other jobs, relationships, and experiences.  I have seen the bad witch, in work, and acquaintances.  The bad witch was jealous of her good witch sister.  The bad witch wanted peace in her life, but was so blocked by her own self that she substituted peace with power alone.  Her evil monkeys danced around for her. She was powerful to those who were weak and afraid.  As you remember she was evil and mean...and a house fell on her.  (getting what she gave:))

The good witch showed Dorothy and her friends that if they trusted themselves, they could triumph over evil and find peace.  Dorothy and her friends were open to the thought, they had nothing to lose by trying.  The giving is the getting.  Dorothy gave her friends companionship and trust, and they returned it.  The journey gave them strength, courage, and the comfort of Auntie Em.

I personally have played the part of each character at some stage in my life.  I prefer to be more good than evil.  While some days I am as lost as Dorothy, or frighted as the lion, I try to stay on my path and look at the bright side of anything.